kunizo's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「オリオン座」 191215_673-LR-2 48 191103_008-LR-2 30 181201_5D3星_077-2 45 181201_5D3星_069-2 53 181202_004-2 39 170203_486-2 199 170204_001-2 301 170204_008-2 195 170204_013-800 147 170204_012-1600 148 170204_011-2000 152 170204_010-3200 149 170204_009-6400 198 170203_434-2 208 170202_490-2 129 170202_447-2 128 Showing all 16